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Madeleine Campbell

I am a freelance writer, researcher and translator. Born in Canada, I lived in France for over a decade before settling in Scotland. After completing my PhD at the University of Glasgow in 2014, I continue to research translation as an experiential process that involves the reader/spectator as active participant, or ‘spect-actor’. I am interested in surrealism, ekphrastic and found poetry, francophone literature and intersemiotic translation. My translations of Maghrebi poets Mohammed Dib, Nadia Guendouz, Henri Kréa, Waafa Lamrani, Mohamed Serghini and Mohammed Sebbagh have been published in the University of California Book of North African Literature (Eds. Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour, 2012). Further poems in translation have been published in Scottish Poetry in Translation (2013) and Lighthouse (2015), with a forthcoming short story in Unsettling Wonder. Bilingual readings of Maghrebi poets include appearances at the CCA, The Hunterian and The Commonwealth Film and Theatre Festival in Glasgow, Scotland, and in Edinburgh at the French Institute. I recently co-edited Quaich: An Anthology of Translation in Scotland Today (2014) with Georgina Collins and Anikó Szilágyi, featuring essays and translations of prose and poetry into English, Scots and Gaelic.